Thursday, January 29, 2009


I posted about 3 months worth of pictures in 3 new slideshows. Joanna managed to get 2 birthday parties - one in America and one in India.

Our kids are the center of attention wherever we go. Blonde headed kids are very rare. On our way home from Christmas dinner some beggars in the street were trying to sell Santa hats. When one of them saw Sam - he forgot to sell and started goo gooing the baby. The people at church call our girls barbie dolls because they think they look like Barbie. At the zoo I think more people wanted pictures of Sam than the animals.

Our trip to the zoo:
Monday 1/26 was Republic day - the day India adopted its constitution. Scott had the day off so we took an outing around the city. We started out in the morning going to a park - that we were told had animals. No such luck - but we did manage a "train" ride. The train was obviously meant for kids and they started it on a curve of an oval - they had to unhook the cars and push them to the straight away. It was smooth riding from then on. We had some boys befriend us at the park and they gave flowers to the girls. One lady approached us to give a "blessing from the gods" for Sam. We politely refused but it was hard because she was so insistent.

Things are going well and we have a church camp coming up 2/28-3/1 as well as a European cruse 5/31.


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